For me, having my house smell of warm spices is the best way to get in that Fall mood. Although it's still warm in Texas, my house feels like a warm hug. This Potpourri recipe couldn't be easier.
Simply fill your heavy-bottomed pot with water halfway up. Add as many cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, dried or fresh citrus as you like. Apples and cranberries are also fun additions. Bring this up to a boil, then leave to simmer as long as you want. When finished using your potpourri discard everything, except for the cinnamon sticks and let those dry. You can use those again.
This year, instead of using fresh citrus and apples, I wanted to try dried ones.
Thinly slice your orange, lemon, and apple, and place them on a wire rack. Set your oven to 200 degrees and let them dry out for 2-6 hours. I checked mine a couple of times and flipped them. Lemons tend to dry and turn dark the quickest, but I loved the way they looked. Not only did I use these in my potpourri, but I also used them to decorate my Thanksgiving table. Enjoy!